The A Team
Is Trippin'!
Family Travel Blog
The A Team
HI! We are the family Behind the scenes- I am, Kaitlin (mom), Stevo (dad), Aidan (#1), Ava (#2), Aj (#3), and Archie (#4 our Golden Boy).
We are a little unique that I am a stay-at-home mom and Stevo, a retired police officer which allows us the time to travel; however, our 3 oldest children are your typical over committed suburban kids and our #4 aka our Golden Boy Archie was diagnosed with Autism 2 years ago (Ages ranging from 3 – 17Yo). So, we escape from town as much as their schedules allow us.
We LOVE to travel! Creating core memories along the way.
We want to show other families that traveling with 4 very busy, high-energy children is not only doable but enjoyable! For obvious reasons some families who have been blessed with a neurodivergent child shy away from traveling. We knew from the start that we wanted to give Archie all the life experiences our other children have had. It's not easy, but it is ALWAYS worth it! Take the trip.
On this website you’ll find tips for your cross-country itineraries, accommodations, restaurant recommendations, road trip activities and everything in between, as well as, tips for flying and traveling with babies, toddlers, and small autistic children! We cannot wait to share all the tips and tricks we have picked up along our way.
The A team kids have created their own youtube channel:
@theateamistrippinoverburgers they will be using this platform to rate burger joints along our journey! Here is how they plan to break the burger down; overall appearance, bun, meat, cheese,vegetables, sauces, messiness and burgerness.
Please, follow along on our journey
as the The A team is trippin’!